Minggu, 20 Mei 2012


The Examples of ESSAY WRITING 


Surya and Rangga
Being an English Teacher is fantastic; especially in Elementary School where the students are active learners and fun. They make us feel happy. Moreover, the atmosphere in that place is full of laugh and joke. I have been an English teacher since one year ago in Elementary School of SDN 3 Beng, Gianyar. I feel happy teaching English there. The students have many unique characteristics. Two of them are Rangga and Surya. They are my students in grade six. Both boys are smarts students; however, Rangga is better than Surya. They have similarities in their characters; but also differences. Rangga and Surya are very smart, creative and helpful.
It is very difficult to decide who the smartest student is between Rangga and Surya. Rangga is as smart as Surya. They always get good score for the subject at school. They are active learners and quick to understand the subject.  As a teacher, we are easy to teach them.  In English subject; they are good in four skills; Speaking. Listening, Writing and Reading. That’s way, I am proud of them.
Not only smart but also Rangga and Surya are creative students. They always present new idea on their work and speech. The other teachers and I always appreciate their work. In English lesson for example; they always create good dialogue and express the dialogue well. I am definitely proud of them.
The last is both students are helpful. They like to help their friends when their friends find the difficulty. They do sincerely. They also often help their teacher. Moreover, without asking them to do something they always offer some helps to the others. They’re really good students.
Even though, they have similarities in their characteristic, they also have some differences. Surya is a funny student but Rangga is not funny; Surya is a confident but Rangga always under estimate himself and Surya is a little bit rude but Rangga is polite.  
Surya like to joke with their friends. He is funny boy. He always makes his friends laugh at him. However, different of Rangga; He is serious boy. He is not interested in joking. He prefers to spend his time to read a book at library.
The other difference is Surya has good confidence but Rangga is always under estimate himself. Surya is be able to perform in front of classroom without feeling nervous; otherwise Rangga sometimes don’t want to perform his ability in front of classroom an he often feel nervous.
Surya is a little boy who don’t know exactly what the meaning of good attitude, he sometimes makes his friend crying. He teases their friend unconscious. Although Rangga is a polite boy; he respects his friend. He never hurt his friends’ feeling.
In summary, Surya and Rangga have some similarities and also some differences. Both students are very unique. They have unique characteristics. I am exactly proud of them.


Nowdays, our environment is far from cleanliness. Especially, in the city where the population is crowded and fullness activities. From those, many pollutants are occurred. They cause the pollution in our environment. Our environment be dirty and uncomfortable. They are organic rubbish, inorganic rubbish and the smoke of vehicles.
          The first which causes the pollution is organic rubbish. It can be danger when its amount is too much; moreover, in the dirt recycle place, the people can’t process quickly because day goes by the amount of rubbish is increased. This condition forces the people just to let it forms the mountain of rubbish. Automatically, this rubbish pollutes the air and soil.
          The second, inorganic rubbish can pollute our environment. Inorganic rubbish such as; paper, metal, plastics, can, etc. they are solid matter that are created by human activities and which are disposed because they are hazardous and useless. Moreover, they do not get broken down through inorganic or organic process. Therefore, they should reclaim and recycle.
          The third is the smoke of vehicles. It actually contains Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is a gas and is found in a high levels of carbon monoxide are poisonous to human as it has no taste and cannot be seen. CO affect healthy or unhealthy people increased people of CO reduce the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin around the body in red blood cells.
          These are the kinds of pollutants that are very danger and can make our environment be dirty and uncomfortable. In this case, they have very bad effect to our environment. The pollution can be occurred to the water on the river, soil and air.
          The danger of rubbish can gives bad effect to our river. The water which is clean changes be dirty.  The most of people know about it; however, they often throw rubbish in the river. Perhaps, they’re difficult to change their bad habits. They don’t realize that the rubbish can pollute the water on the river.  Moreover, when the rainy season,  flood can be occurred because of rubbish. Therefore, we have to keep our river from the pollution.
          The effect of pollution is not just to the water, but also to the soil. For example, the inorganic rubbish with its characteristics above can be very danger to the soil. The productive soil can changes to be unproductive soil.  The land is used to contain of fertile soil , day goes by can be unfertile or unproductive soil, therefore many lands is just for building and the rice field changes be animal husbandry. Moreover, the amount of rubbish is increased, it’s problem in dirt recycle place, the pile of rubbish is close to be mountain rubbish; if we just let it be, can you imagine how big the mountain of rubbish will be.
          The last, the pollution effects to the air. The rubbish that we burn actually can pollute the air and also the smoke of vehicles. Gas from burning process contains Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is a gas and is found in a high levels of carbon monoxide are poisonous to human as it has no taste and cannot be seen. CO affect healthy or unhealthy people increased people of CO reduce the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin around the body in red blood cells. Therefore, as young generation we have to know about it and reduce the burning of rubbish and also plant more tree.
          In summary, rubbish and smoke of vehicles are very danger for us. To keep our environment clean we have to be aware of the danger of rubbish by recycling the inorganic rubbish and organic rubbish can be manufactured be organic manner or fertilizer. Moreover, lets plant tree to reduce the pollution that causes by the smoke of vehicle.

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